Korn Unleashed
JD 3-14-03 Chat


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March 14, 2003 KoRn KoRner Chat

dC]: getting ready to submit questions to jon

jd: kool

[dC]: ok resubmit your questions to me please

*.mish.*: its all u pher

Q.~Missythe GayElf: Jonathan, we love your hocky puck. Have you ever thought of making an autobiography?

jd: maybe one day but not now

jd: i am putting together a picture book of the band

jd: its very kool

Q. [enigma] Ũ: why didnt you guys sign msi to elementree?

jd: i tried to

jd: sign msi

Q. anthony: hey jonathan wats ^ is there a cd that u wish u didnt make

jd: no i love them all

Q. Lust Seven and all of Jd's Place: Have you had the chance to check out "Jd's Notes" thread the msg board yet?

jd: no im sorry been really busy workin on album

jd: olk

Q. BlackTear: Question: Jon, when you wrote "Lookaway" for Sepultura what was going through your mind? Do you still feel the same way?

jd: i was just trippin i was singing with mike patton and max

Q. Tor: what is your fave song out right now? and who is it by?

*.mish.*: doood say cry me a river by justin timberlake

jd: it is

jd: its good

Q. Tully: Do you think the current war sittuation could be solve without a war?

jd: im sure it could

Q. schizo: jonathan, just curious, what is your sisters name?

jd: i have three sisters steph lisa and amanda

Q. kornfreak2003: what is the defining moment in your career and in life?

jd: when we played woodstock and when my son was born

Q. phreak: whats your fav tv show? phreak

jd: anything on cartoon network

jd: all i watch

Q. head mexiko: jon what was the koolest thing u saw in mexico?

jd: all of mexico was awesome to see, we loved it there

Q. What did you get for your birthday jon?

jd: a fijean mermaid

jd: all kinds of weird shit

Q. when will korn tour australia, im desperate!

jd: we will be there after the album comes out

Q. kornkid109: Jon, do you plan to tour in support of the new record besides ozzfest? And how is nathan?

jd: yes and nate is good he is here with me

Q. fullofsorrow: Are you going to do any more songe with ammie echo? you guys both are so inspirational

jd: i would love to i havent seen her in along time

Q. HIVdavisxx: Jonathan, we have heard lots of different aspects as to your opinions on limp bizkit munky apologized for "unleashing them to the world". how do you feel? please be honest.

jd: i have no problem with them

jd: they do there own thing

Q. SkuD: hey jon, i dont no if u no steve bullock over here in MD but thats my bud, Anywayz i saw yall at HFS homcoming ball in Oct, u played wit sev, what did u think of them would u play agin

jd: they were cool sure

Q. Jon when do you predict, or plan to have the 6th album out around...2003 or later...any dates?

jd: this year

jd: i promise

Q. phreak: Jon what do you think of dC?

jd: dc is awesome

Q. sdp: what about mish

jd: mish is the best

Q. Gayle Boulware has info for u about doing a song with a band called shrine, has she talked u about it, if not could you PLEASE contact the band directly,she has the number?

jd: i'll call her

Q. kornbunny: what is your favorite candy?

jd: snickers

Q. Do you ever get tired of being in the music biz?

jd: no I love it

jd: music is my life

Q. mutha: how is your throat?

jd: its good

Q. Angelkornstar: How did Deven get the nickname Casper? Say hi to her for me :D Much love and huggles,

jd: you know all that stuff on the newsgroups and websites are all wrong her name isnt kristen and her nickname is not casper

jd: its all bullshit

Q. JJxXxKoRn1: jd, do you sing in the shower?

jd: yes

Q. why dont u like to play mr rogers live?

jd: we tried once, didnt like it live

Q. JJxXxKoRn1: jonathan, i have made remixes of somebody someone, Embrace, and No Ones Theres, how would i get you just to hear..i dont want nothing for them, just for you to hear them?

jd: im gonna set up an address for the elementree site for you to send me stuff

Q. Zanthia: Do you have already a CD cover for the new album? If you donīt why donīt u do it like issues, a contest the fans around the world? Keep up the good work.

jd: havent even got that far yet

Q. mutha: thank you for your time tonight and all your efforts for us, we all love you!

jd: its all good I luv yall too

Q. korno4321: would you rather fuck oprah or rosie if your life depended on it?

jd: oprah

*.mish.*: she got dat ghetto ass

jd: hell yes

Q. Tiff: Hey Jon,if killing was legal for one day who would you kill and why? *hump*:D

jd: i dont know, there is alot of people i would torture

jd: but kill

jd: i dont know

Q. sagert: are you and Richard Gibbs going to release the other songs that you wrote for Queen of the damned (like careles and blood red)?

jd: i dont think so

Q. phreak: what is the funnyest thing you have ever done for money?

jd: im not the guy who does shit for money im the one who thinks up fucked up shit to make other people do

Q. [reptileannie]: how does you feel about the rap songs A.D.I.D.A.S?

jd: pisses me off

jd: biters

Q. why is predictable your least fav song jonathan davis boy boy *hug*

jd: i dont know

Q. Hivdavisxx: Jonathan, are you gonna pick up the new hedpe album on 3/18?

jd: yep

Q. what were you doing before you came to chat with us?

jd: playing with nathan

Q. What is your favorite song to do live?

jd: i love blind

Q. UnKiNd: Hey Jonathan, first of all i would like to speak for all of us Kornies when i say you are the greatest vocalist ever. Out of all the songs that you've done,which one is your favorite?

jd: i think no ones there

jd: everyboby thank you for coming tonight i will be here again friday good night

*.mish.*: same time?

jd: yes

jd: peace

[dC]: lets wrap it up for now folks...next friday...same time same place...even better woot!

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