dC] 2: okie lets get this show on the road
[dC] 2: From: i am a dot Question: hi jonathan. did you ever think to give your set list for shows a whole makeover? we love the shit you normally play but it would be cool to hear even more songs live.
jd: yes i have been thinking about that
jd: prob will got to talk to band
[dC] 2: From: DISTORTEDthorn Question: if push comes to shove would you rather do the queen of the damned tour or family values?OR would you combine them some how to satisfy your fans? JON YOU ARE MY GOD!
jd: i would love to do both jd: but cant do two shows a night
[dC] 2: From: Dark_Assailant Question: What are the other korn boys up to lately ?
jd: writing
jd: gettin ready to record * [dC] 2: cool
[dC] 2: From: sdp Question: will there be 'jiberish' ala twist in the new album?
jd: maybe * [dC] 2: From: Zoeukdavis Question: its true you have belief in something beyond this relam so wot do u fink of work of phycics like jon edwards?
jd: i believe in all that but i do think there are fakes
[dC] 2: do you think john edwards is fake?
jd: i dont know jd: have my doughts [dC] 2: From: [broke soul] nokoranaifu. Question: do you like hentai? jd: i sorry i dont know about that
*T h e S i c k*: :anime porn
[dC] 2: hentai is like japan cartooned porn
[dC] 2: hardcore and softcore jd: oh i check that out all the time
[dC] 2: 
jd: its kool i like the real thing better
[dC] 2: From: DJ's(a)work Question: how is deven and nathan, will they be on your next dvd, cuz they should. jd: hey nathan and grey my nephew say hi [dC] 2: hi nathan and grey!
[dC] 2: From: i am a dot Question: hey jonathan. whats ur fav. horror movie? hope I can see your serial killer museum some time. thanks jd: salems lot [dC] 2: From: //NoBoDiE\\bex(mana) Question: what does it take to turn you on? jd: being dirty [dC] 2: From: CatWoman23 Question: hey jon! love you! what is the craziest rumor you have ever hear about you in your career with korn jd: and you have to be crazy
*.0utk4st.*: :trust me alot of them got tha crazy thing covered *.0utk4st.*: :literally *.0utk4st.*: the bus crash one was good
jd: i dont know there are so many prob when i was dead
*.0utk4st.*: or the keep on running nigger
[dC] 2: yeah that was a pretty crazy rumor *.0utk4st.*: kiddie porn
jd: that is funny [dC] 2: heh
[dC] 2: ok mish would like to take some questions from people in event room 1, go ahead mish jd: brb
*.0utk4st.*: ruhubber rhuBBer dHuK ?: any more plans to act? and would you do an independent script/film from a flunky such as myself rhuBBer dHuK ?: thanks outkast [dC] 2: rhuBBer dHuK ?: any more plans to act? and would you do an independent script/film from a flunky such as myself *.0utk4st.*: :its mish using a friends name rhuBBer dHuK ?: lol rhuBBer dHuK ?: thanks Mish rhuBBer dHuK ?: big hug! *.0utk4st.*: :n lick told me rhuBBer dHuK ?: yah she is sooo sweet
[dC] 2: lala
jd: hello *.0utk4st.*: hello *(|_sC_|)*??: wb *.0utk4st.*: rhuBBer dHuK ?: any more plans to act? and would you do an independent script/film from a flunky such as myself *.0utk4st.*: that was her question jd: im yah im fuckin around with it
*.0utk4st.*: its gotta be intresting to be on set while everything is going down
*.0utk4st.*: was it fun? or just mass confusion jd: yes jd: fun
*.0utk4st.*: jar go jĀr?: yo jon, is the rumour of you and metallica doing club dates, also is head and munky have intentions in doing some guitar change (tunnings/sound) on the new album? bjorn strid owns!!!! [ jĀr?: oops i deleted the word true after editing that like 100x
jd: no we arent playin with metallica and yes head and munk are useing different tunings
*.0utk4st.*: phazenin ?Phazenin?: Hi Jonathan! I have read many times that you enjoyed listening to Duran Duran when you were a teenager. Which band member was your favorite and why? *hugs*
jd: i really loved them all
*.0utk4st.*: tiff .[iffchii].?: Hey Jonathan,if you had your own tv program,what would you name it,the charactors and the age group target?*Humps* oh n hi nathan and grey!!!wo0p wo0p
jd: i would have a crime show i would show off my collection of crime artifacts .[iffchii].?: cool
.[iffchii].?: <3
*.0utk4st.*: Ado ..ADO..?: Hey Jonathan my question is when will KoRn come back to play to Chile will you take 8 years to come back??KORN IS THE BEST ROCK BAND EVER!!!!
jd: no we loved it there soon
*.0utk4st.*: korny
KRychyK: Q: Jonathan, what kinda toothpaste do you use??
jd: the kindthats gel and has scope in it (anna cracka)?: hi jonathan, what's your favorite kind of donut? eheheeh *.0utk4st.*: :donuts *.0utk4st.*: :you are some odd ones *(|_sC_|)*: lolol (anna cracka)?: ehehehe
jd: choclate glased
*.0utk4st.*: korny go kornymutha30???: hey Jonathan!!!! since mtv won't show your crib...will you show it to us on your new dvd?
jd: yes i will
[dC] 2: From: sC Question: hey jon, did you give deven the shocker yet? D
jd: no sorry she has been sick *.0utk4st.*: jimmy
?Jimmy Hat?: As a member of the military,I have heard a lot of negative comments from celebrities on the news about what we are doing in Iraq; I was just wondering what you think about the whole thing?
*.0utk4st.*: I think you kick ass
jd: i support the troops and the pres fuck those other people jd: the celebs
[dC] 2: From: Ive Got Issues........Do You? Question: when will you release your new dvd
jd: dont know we are filming
[dC] 2: From: hipermetalera - mx Question: Mr. Davis, In this time everybody have a personal website, would you do one in the future? is fun
jd: i dont think so there is enough of me out ther [dC] 2: From: Soul Salker Question: Will you be writing any songs about the war anytime? jd: no
[dC] 2: StormCrow : is Munky planing on useing his 14 string guitar on some of the new stuff?
jd: maybe he will hard to say [dC] 2: Karma:Hi Jonathan- thanks for being here. Your music (esp the 1st album)has served as a kind of 'therapy' for me over the years. Is there an artist or a specific album that inspires you that way?
jd: i guess the only thing like that would be andrew loyd webbers jesus christ superstar
[dC] 2: From: www.korntributeband.com Question: Jon would ever consider havin a korn tribute band open korn? If interested Our singer looks/sounds like you and plays the bagpipes. www.korntributeband.com
jd: sure il check out your site
[dC] 2: From: HIDING-brit Question: from brit-jon,wut r u wearing right now?i love the way u dress!
jd: im wearing some black army pants and a black sweater and my son who is around my neck
jd: hehehe [dC] 2: KoRnKiD: What was the last DVD you bought to watch??
jd: the ring
[dC] 2: that movie was good, not very scary i thought
[dC] 2: blackcherry: "why do you always come to my dream Jonathan?"
[dC] 2: From: dckornfan316 Question: dckornfan316: Jon, i know you guys are working on the drums right now in the studio but how are david's drums sounding?
jd: starting on mon jd: we will see jd: hey guys
jd: i got to bounce [dC] 2: okie jon, sorry bout the problems earlier jd: got the kids
[dC] 2: have fun jon, we doing another one next week or no?
*NyAh RoCkS*: alright later jonathan have a good evening, and tell devon to feel better
jd: peace out hell yes [dC] 2: okie cool *.0utk4st.*: buh byes [dC] 2: later for now jon!
jd: friday 7 [dC] 2: thanks for coming
jd: the band is gonna start comming to my house
jd: so i will get them on here *.0utk4st.*: n we will be ready for it
jd: i promise
jd: ok thanks jd: later *T h e S i c k*: later
*NyAh RoCkS*: cya =)